Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 2, Chap.1

Driving through the streets was horrifying. Everything was destroyed, dead bodies laying in front yards, and the weirdest part was creepy mindless humans walking and standing around. I'm tring to drive as fast as I can through the small area and until I hit the highway I'm not going to feel safe. Once nearing the highway I have no idea where I'm going or what I should look for. I turn on the music, thinking maybe it will calm my nerves, it's really not helping. I keep thinking about my family and where they might be. Dead, safe? I had no idea what was going on or how I woke up on the beach, not remembering anything. I wish I knew where everyone was at. While driving on the highway I saw a woman sitting on the side of the road she didn't look like one of them so I decided to stop. I roll the window down."hey!" I yell out "have you been bitten?" she looks up at me with a blank look in her eyes."No," she said. "Well get in then." When she got in and sat next to me I could tell she was having a ruff day. Maybe she knows what's going on. I turn to her, "so, what's going on around here?" " I can tell their has been some kind of breakout but where is everyone?" she looks at me " well, they got most of the people out of the city but after the breakout was just to much for the Army they took who they could, and left the rest of us here to die or find a safe house on our own." Wow I thought to myself that's fucked up. "well do you know if anyone else is alive?" "Well when you found me I was heading to my house I haven't even been home yet so I have no idea what is going on with my family, it all happend so fast I was on my way home from work when a emergency broadcast came on the radio telling everyone the city was on lock down and they were trying to get people out as fast as possable. I started to get worried and tryed to call my husband but the line was not working. so I'm trying as hard as I can to get home to my family, but on my way I got stopped at gunpoint and they took my car and just left me where you found me." "well which way to your house?" We pull into her driveway her husbands car was out front she flings the door open and takes off toward the door, I run out after her. She opens the front door and falls to her knees screaming and crying I look over to see what she sees. her husband was eating their dog. I put my hand over her mouth and tell her it's time to go we try to sneak away I run into something with my foot and the noise scared him and he turned to us, gets up and comes after us. I snatch her up and we take off running back to my car, get inside and lock the doors. Her husband is banning on the windows and she is screaming so I pull away. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

Monday, May 7, 2012

Chap 1. My Great Escape

Page 1
I wake up on the beach the wind is blowing through my hair. I feel the sand on my feet as the birds sings in the background. I walk up to the water and take a deep breath I feel so safe. No one is around just me and the animals I look around everything is so empty the shops, the beach I start to wonder what is going on. I have never seen it so empty I start walking toward a place me and my family eat at all the time. I wish I could remember something, anything. I walk in the back door and stop. Somethings not right here I can feel it. I keep walking till I hear this weird noise the I decide to follow it kinda sounded like growling but I'm not sure yet. the streets are empty also now I am starting to get freaked out. It's the middle of the day and no one is out how odd. The noise is coming from the alley I start walking down it I can see a shadow in the light I walk around the corner and as I did a human looking creature with red beeding eyes looking at me I panic and take off running the way I came in and it got up to follow me screaming the whole time it was fast to the alley was dark and all I could see the sun on the road I run into the sunlight and keep running then all of a sudden I hear a crying I look back and the creature had went back into the darkness. what the hell was that I thought. I keep walking down the road with a stick in my hand I got from the alley, I know right what good is that going to do me going up against infected humans. My house is not far from where I am at so I decide to walk there scared of what I might find I walk up to the front door, take a deep breathe, and turn the handle. It's quite in the house just as I thought. I walk into the kitchen empty, I slowly start walking up the stairs to my sister's door. open it shes laying in bed. "Kayla" "are you up?". So I go up to her bed and tap her no answer, I flip her over dead. I run out of the room scared to go into my mom's room, she is not in bed but the bathroom light is on I hear something so i creep up to the door and slowly open it. My mom is standing in the middle of the bathroom looking at me she has evil in her eyes though, and foam coming out of her mouth. I slam the door on her and take off running into the hallway. I am meet by my dead sister, she is blocking my path so I pick up a candle and hit her in the head with it, push her out the way, run down the stairs, and out the house. I jump into my mom's car and start it. Farther I get away from the house the more sad it makes me. what is going on? Who else is alive other then me.

Animal Photography



Do you believe?

                                                  Do you own a Dreamcatcher?

And if you do own one do you really believe that it catches the bad dreams?

How about a black cat crossing your path do you believe that is bad luck.
or going under a latter, spliting the pole.

How about killing a spider being bad luck or breaking a mirror?

how do these things make you feel:)

Sunday, May 6, 2012


                                           What is it really?

is it in your head?
or something else maybe not just your head but things around you in your everyday life?

 who is addicted really
people that do drugs, smoke ciggs, drink, its all addictions isent it?

when you get up and go outside and your car is gone and you freak out wouldent that mean your addicted to it?

what about if you loss your phone or job and freak out same thing just because you need it to live does not mean we are not addicted to things we do everyday as humans.

  so how do you really say if someone is addicted?

                  we are all addicted to something.

whats your addiction?


RIP legends

  The Rev, A7X<3                                        RIP<3

               We love and miss you guys!!

   Ryan Dunn, Jackass<3

  Casey,Hawthorne Hights<3



So Dubstep has really grown on me alot and Skrillex is the shit:)

 see im not big on songs witout words going along with it but dubstep i like it for some reason it just gets me wanting to dance and makes me happy my fave. Dubstep song right now is:

Bangarang. by: Skrillex<3

What do you think about dunstep?
 let me know 



TAPS ghost hunters


do you believe in ghost?

well I do and I think that ghosh hunters are really great at finding them.

Jason, Grant, Tango, Stephen i love them and they are great.

I love how they go around and if they do hear or see something before they say for sure its a ghost they try to debunck it and it makes everything so much better.

I have been watching them for years and I love everything about what they do.

next Wen. new show at 9 if your into it watch its greatttt~<3


Daily Horoscope. 5.6.12

Haley--06.19.93  Jay--06.16.94



Try to pay closer attention to what's going on in front of you -- your powers of observation can save the day! One little clue is all it takes to make sense of a mysterious stranger.

Daily Couples: mine and jays:)

You're trying to do so much at once, and some things are falling though the cracks. Make sure you're not forgetting something you promised to your lover. Take a moment to be sure.

Halley's Comet

Halley's Comet<3

<--Halley's  comet                 

          don't you just love how beautiful this comet is.
I was named after it but my name is spelled different but I do love that I was named after a comet.

   I know that it is only seen every so many years but I would like to see it in my lifetime.
it would be so awesome to see it for real after my mom told me about it and all that and after all these years reading about it and stuff.                                                                                                                ^Haley South ^

I wonder why it only comes at a special time on a strange night but I really don't care because I just like the idea of comets they are so beautiful flying trhough the sky with all the colors and stars all around them. I just love it so much.

                                                   thats all for now
              xoxo HDS<3