Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Page 2, Chap.1

Driving through the streets was horrifying. Everything was destroyed, dead bodies laying in front yards, and the weirdest part was creepy mindless humans walking and standing around. I'm tring to drive as fast as I can through the small area and until I hit the highway I'm not going to feel safe. Once nearing the highway I have no idea where I'm going or what I should look for. I turn on the music, thinking maybe it will calm my nerves, it's really not helping. I keep thinking about my family and where they might be. Dead, safe? I had no idea what was going on or how I woke up on the beach, not remembering anything. I wish I knew where everyone was at. While driving on the highway I saw a woman sitting on the side of the road she didn't look like one of them so I decided to stop. I roll the window down."hey!" I yell out "have you been bitten?" she looks up at me with a blank look in her eyes."No," she said. "Well get in then." When she got in and sat next to me I could tell she was having a ruff day. Maybe she knows what's going on. I turn to her, "so, what's going on around here?" " I can tell their has been some kind of breakout but where is everyone?" she looks at me " well, they got most of the people out of the city but after the breakout was just to much for the Army they took who they could, and left the rest of us here to die or find a safe house on our own." Wow I thought to myself that's fucked up. "well do you know if anyone else is alive?" "Well when you found me I was heading to my house I haven't even been home yet so I have no idea what is going on with my family, it all happend so fast I was on my way home from work when a emergency broadcast came on the radio telling everyone the city was on lock down and they were trying to get people out as fast as possable. I started to get worried and tryed to call my husband but the line was not working. so I'm trying as hard as I can to get home to my family, but on my way I got stopped at gunpoint and they took my car and just left me where you found me." "well which way to your house?" We pull into her driveway her husbands car was out front she flings the door open and takes off toward the door, I run out after her. She opens the front door and falls to her knees screaming and crying I look over to see what she sees. her husband was eating their dog. I put my hand over her mouth and tell her it's time to go we try to sneak away I run into something with my foot and the noise scared him and he turned to us, gets up and comes after us. I snatch her up and we take off running back to my car, get inside and lock the doors. Her husband is banning on the windows and she is screaming so I pull away. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

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